The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 affects our lives in all aspects. As of September 11, more than 28 million people have tested positive for COVID-19 infection, and more than 911,000 people have lost their lives in this virus battle. Some patients can not receive appropriate medical treatment due the limits of hospitalization volume and shortage of ICU beds. An estimated future hospitalization is critical so that medical resources can be allocated as needed. In this study, we propose to use 4 recurrent neural networks to infer hospitalization change for the following week compared with the current week. Results show that sequence to sequence model with attention achieves a high accuracy of 0.938 and AUC of 0.850 in the hospitalization prediction. Our work has the potential to predict the hospitalization need and send a warning to medical providers and other stakeholders when a re-surge initializes.
翻译:截至9月11日,已有超过2 800万人接受了COVID-19感染的检测,超过911 000人在这场病毒斗争中丧生;一些病人由于住院人数有限和缺缺ICU病床而无法得到适当的治疗;估计未来的住院治疗至关重要,以便能根据需要分配医疗资源;在本研究报告中,我们提议利用4个经常性神经网络来推断下一周住院人数与本周相比的变化;结果显示,在住院预测中,关注的顺序模型的顺序在0.938和0.850AUC中达到高度精确度;我们的工作有可能预测住院需要,并在重新启动时向医疗提供者和其他利益攸关者发出警告。