URLs are central to a myriad of cyber-security threats, from phishing to the distribution of malware. Their inherent ease of use and familiarity is continuously abused by attackers to evade defences and deceive end-users. Seemingly dissimilar URLs are being used in an organized way to perform phishing attacks and distribute malware. We refer to such behaviours as campaigns, with the hypothesis being that attacks are often coordinated to maximize success rates and develop evasion tactics. The aim is to gain better insights into campaigns, bolster our grasp of their characteristics, and thus aid the community devise more robust solutions. To this end, we performed extensive research and analysis into 311M records containing 77M unique real-world URLs that were submitted to VirusTotal from Dec 2019 to Jan 2020. From this dataset, 2.6M suspicious campaigns were identified based on their attached metadata, of which 77,810 were doubly verified as malicious. Using the 38.1M records and 9.9M URLs within these malicious campaigns, we provide varied insights such as their targeted victim brands as well as URL sizes and heterogeneity. Some surprising findings were observed, such as detection rates falling to just 13.27% for campaigns that employ more than 100 unique URLs. The paper concludes with several case-studies that illustrate the common malicious techniques employed by attackers to imperil users and circumvent defences.
翻译:网络安全威胁,从钓鱼到分发恶意软件,其核心是网络安全威胁,从钓鱼到分发恶意软件。攻击者不断滥用其固有的使用方便性和熟悉性,以逃避防御和欺骗最终用户。似乎不同性的URL正在以有组织的方式使用,以进行钓鱼攻击和分发恶意软件。我们提到诸如运动等行为,假设攻击往往得到协调,以最大限度地提高成功率和制定逃避策略。目的是更好地了解运动,增进对运动特性的了解,从而帮助社区制定更强有力的解决办法。为此,我们广泛研究和分析了311M记录,其中载有从2019年12月至2020年1月提交病毒托塔尔的77M独特的真实世界URL。从这一数据集中,发现2.6M可疑运动的依据是其所附的元数据,其中77 810项被加倍核实为恶意数据。我们利用这些恶意运动中的38.1M记录和9.9MURL提供各种见解,例如其目标受害者品牌以及URL大小和遗传特性。我们观察到了一些令人惊讶的调查结果,一些令人惊讶的发现结果,例如,从2019年12月到2020年提交病毒托·100年使用的独特探查率。