The public key encryption (PKE) protocol in lattice-based cryptography (LBC) can be modeled as a noisy point-to-point communication system, where the communication channel is similar to the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. To improve the error correction performance, this paper investigates lattice-based PKE from the perspective of lattice codes. We propose an efficient labeling function that converts between binary information bits and lattice codewords. The proposed labeling is feasible for a wide range of lattices, including Construction-A and Construction-D lattices. Based on Barnes-Wall lattices, a few improved parameter sets with either higher security or smaller ciphertext size are proposed for FrodoPKE.
翻译:以 lattice 为基础的加密加密( LBC) 中的公用钥匙加密( PKE) 协议可以模拟为吵闹的点对点通信系统, 通信频道与添加的白色高斯噪音( AWGN) 频道类似 。 为改善错误校正性能, 本文从 lattice 代码的角度对基于 lattice 的 PKE 进行了调查。 我们建议了一个高效的标签功能, 转换二进制信息比特和 lattice 代码词。 提议的标签对于包括建筑- A 和建设- D lattices 在内的多种 Lattics 来说是可行的 。 根据Barnes- Wall Latties, 为FrodoPE 提议了一些安全性更高或更小的参数集。