HPC systems are a critical resource for scientific research and advanced industries. The demand for computational power and memory is increasing and ushers in the exascale era, in which supercomputers are designed to provide enormous computing power to meet these needs. These complex supercomputers consist of many compute nodes and are consequently expected to experience frequent faults and crashes. Exact state reconstruction (ESR) has been proposed as a mechanism to alleviate the impact of frequent failures on long-term computations. ESR has shown great potential in the context of iterative linear algebra solvers, a key building block in numerous scientific applications. Recent designs of supercomputers feature the emerging nonvolatile memory (NVM) technology. For example, the Exascale Aurora supercomputer is planned to integrate Intel Optane DCPMM. This work investigates how NVM can be used to improve ESR so that it can scale to future exascale systems such as Aurora and provide enhanced resilience. We propose the non-volatile memory ESR (NVM-ESR) mechanism. NVM-ESR demonstrates how NVM can be utilized in supercomputers for enabling efficient recovery from faults while requiring significantly smaller memory footprint and time overheads in comparison to ESR. We focus on the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) iterative solver also studied in prior ESR research, because it is employed by the representative HPCG scientific benchmark.
翻译:HPC系统是科学研究和先进产业的关键资源。对计算力和记忆的需求量正在增加,并进入了扩张时代,在这个时代,超级计算机的设计设计提供了巨大的计算能力以满足这些需要。这些复杂的超级计算机由许多计算节点组成,因此预期会经常发生故障和碰撞。国家重建(ESR)已被提议为减轻经常失败对长期计算的影响的一种机制。 ESR在迭代线性科学代谢镜解析器这一众多科学应用中的关键构件中表现出了巨大的潜力。最近超级计算机的设计以新兴的非挥发性存储(NVM)技术为特征。例如,Exascale Auror超级计算机计划将整合Intel Optane DCPM。这项工作调查如何利用NVM来改进ESR,以便将其推广到Aurororora等未来超规模系统,提供更强的复原力。我们提议通过不挥发性记忆 ESR(NVM-ESR)机制,NVM-ESR的最近设计显示如何使用新的非挥发性存储器,同时要求将超级G的升级的磁带用于前期的SUCF,以便进行高效的恢复。