Objectives: To develop an image-based automatic deep learning method to classify cardiac MR images by sequence type and imaging plane for improved clinical post-processing efficiency. Methods: Multi-vendor cardiac MRI studies were retrospectively collected from 4 centres and 3 vendors. A two-head convolutional neural network ('CardiSort') was trained to classify 35 sequences by imaging sequence (n=17) and plane (n=10). Single vendor training (SVT) on single centre images (n=234 patients) and multi-vendor training (MVT) with multicentre images (n = 479 patients, 3 centres) was performed. Model accuracy was compared to manual ground truth labels by an expert radiologist on a hold-out test set for both SVT and MVT. External validation of MVT (MVTexternal) was performed on data from 3 previously unseen magnet systems from 2 vendors (n=80 patients). Results: High sequence and plane accuracies were observed for SVT (85.2% and 93.2% respectively), and MVT (96.5% and 98.1% respectively) on the hold-out test set. MVTexternal yielded sequence accuracy of 92.7% and plane accuracy of 93.0%. There was high accuracy for common sequences and conventional cardiac planes. Poor accuracy was observed for underrepresented classes and sequences where there was greater variability in acquisition parameters across centres, such as perfusion imaging. Conclusions: A deep learning network was developed on multivendor data to classify MRI studies into component sequences and planes, with external validation. With refinement, it has potential to improve workflow by enabling automated sequence selection, an important first step in completely automated post-processing pipelines.
翻译:目标:开发一个基于图像的自动深层学习方法,按序列类型和成像平面对心脏MR图像进行分类,以提高临床后处理效率。方法:从4个中心和3个供应商追溯收集了多供应商心脏MRI研究,从4个中心和3个供应商追溯收集了多供应商心脏MRI研究。一个双头神经神经神经神经网络(“卡迪索特”)接受了培训,按照成像序列(n=17)和飞机(n=10)对35个序列进行分类;对单个中心图像(n=234病人)和多中心图像(n=479病人,3个中心)的多品级培训(MVT)进行了分类。模型的准确性与手工地面真实性标签进行了比较。 对MVT(MVT外部)的外部验证,从2个供应商(n=80病人)的3个以前看不见的磁性系统的数据进行。结果:SVT(n=252)和多中心(MVT)的高级序列(分别为85.2%和93.2%),MVT的精度测试(分别为96.5%和98.1级)的精度,对机的精度的精度进行了精确度的精确度测。在正常的精度测试中,在92%的精度中,在正常的精度中,在正常的精度的精度的精度序列中,在92%的精度的精度的精度的精度中进行了。