Monitoring the distribution and size structure of long-living shrubs, such as Juniperus communis, can be used to estimate the long-term effects of climate change on high-mountain and high latitude ecosystems. Historical aerial very-high resolution imagery offers a retrospective tool to monitor shrub growth and distribution at high precision. Currently, deep learning models provide impressive results for detecting and delineating the contour of objects with defined shapes. However, adapting these models to detect natural objects that express complex growth patterns, such as junipers, is still a challenging task. This research presents a novel approach that leverages remotely sensed RGB imagery in conjunction with Mask R-CNN-based instance segmentation models to individually delineate Juniperus shrubs above the treeline in Sierra Nevada (Spain). In this study, we propose a new data construction design that consists in using photo interpreted (PI) and field work (FW) data to respectively develop and externally validate the model. We also propose a new shrub-tailored evaluation algorithm based on a new metric called Multiple Intersections over Ground Truth Area (MIoGTA) to assess and optimize the model shrub delineation performance. Finally, we deploy the developed model for the first time to generate a wall-to-wall map of Juniperus individuals. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our dual data construction approach in overcoming the limitations associated with traditional field survey methods. They also highlight the robustness of MIoGTA metric in evaluating instance segmentation models on species with complex growth patterns showing more resilience against data annotation uncertainty. Furthermore, they show the effectiveness of employing Mask R-CNN with ResNet101-C4 backbone in delineating PI and FW shrubs, achieving an F1-score of 87,87% and 76.86%, respectively.