This paper proposes harmonic vector analysis (HVA) based on a general algorithmic framework of audio blind source separation (BSS) that is also presented in this paper. BSS for a convolutive audio mixture is usually performed by multichannel linear filtering when the numbers of microphones and sources are equal (determined situation). This paper addresses such determined BSS based on batch processing. To estimate the demixing filters, effective modeling of the source signals is important. One successful example is independent vector analysis (IVA) that models the signals via co-occurrence among the frequency components in each source. To give more freedom to the source modeling, a general framework of determined BSS is presented in this paper. It is based on the plug-and-play scheme using a primal-dual splitting algorithm and enables us to model the source signals implicitly through a time-frequency mask. By using the proposed framework, determined BSS algorithms can be developed by designing masks that enhance the source signals. As an example of its application, we propose HVA by defining a time-frequency mask that enhances the harmonic structure of audio signals via sparsity of cepstrum. The experiments showed that HVA outperforms IVA and independent low-rank matrix analysis (ILRMA) for both speech and music signals. A MATLAB code is provided along with the paper for a reference ( ).
翻译:本文建议根据本文中也介绍的音盲源分离(BSS)的一般算法框架进行调音矢量分析(HVA),本文也介绍了这一分析。对于混音源分离(BSS),BSS用于混音调音混合混合源分析(HVA)通常在麦克风和源数相等(确定的情况)时由多通道线性过滤进行。本文述及基于批量处理的这种确定型BSS。为了估计混混混过滤器,源信号的有效建模非常重要。一个成功的例子是独立的矢量分析(IVA),通过每个源的频率组成部分之间的共相重叠来模拟信号。为了使源建模更加自由,本文中提出了确定型音频混合音混合音混合混合混合混合混合混合混合混合混合混合的音源混合音源混合混合混合混合混合。 本文以插音频调混合调混合调混合调分析为基础,1 我们建议HVAFAFA,8801 和低频调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调