A recently introduced restricted variant of the multidimensional stable roommate problem is the roommate diversity problem: each agent belongs to one of two types (e.g., red and blue), and the agents' preferences over the coalitions solely depend on the fraction of agents of their own type among their roommates. There are various notions of stability that defines an optimal partitioning of agents. The notion of popularity has received a lot of attention recently. A partitioning of agents is popular if there does not exist another partitioning in which more agents are better off than worse off. Computing a popular partition in a stable roommate game can be done in polynomial time. When we allow ties the stable roommate problem becomes NP-complete. Determining the existence of a popular solution in the multidimensional stable roommate problem also NP-hard. We show that in the roommate diversity problem with the room size fixed to two, the problem becomes tractable. Particularly, a popular partitioning of agents is guaranteed to exist and can be computed in polynomial time. Additionally a mixed popular partitioning of agents is always guaranteed to exist in any roommate diversity game. By contrast, when there are no restrictions on the coalition size of a roommate diversity game, a popular partitioning may fail to exist and the problem becomes intractable. Our results intractability results are summarized as follows: * Determining the existence of a popular partitioning is co-NP-hard, even if the agents' preferences are trichotomous. * Determining the existence of a strictly popular partitioning is co-NP-hard, even if the agents' preferences are dichotomous. * Computing a mixed popular partitioning of agents in polynomial time is impossible unless P=NP, even if the agents' preferences are dichotomous.
翻译:最近推出的多层面稳定室友问题的一个限制性变体是室友多样性问题:每个代理商都属于两种类型之一(如红色和蓝色),而且代理人对联盟的偏好完全取决于其室友中自己类型的代理商的分量。 存在各种不同的稳定性概念, 定义了最佳的代理商分割。 受欢迎的概念最近受到了很多关注。 如果不存在另一种分治方法, 更多的代理商比更差的分解方法更受欢迎, 则对代理商的分解方法很受欢迎。 在一个稳定的室友游戏中, 可以在多式时段中计算一个大众分解方法。 当我们允许将稳定的室友间问题严格地联系起来时, 代理商对联盟的偏好则取决于他们自己类型的代理商的分解方法。 我们表明,在室内的多样性问题中,固定的2个房间大小, 问题就容易引起关注。 特别是, 保有保有的代理商的分解方法, 甚至在任何室内多样化的游戏中, 混合的大众分解方法总是可以存在。 相比之下,如果在联盟内没有限制的话, 固定的分流利的代理商可能会成为固定的分流结果的结果。