We consider the time and energy complexities of randomized leader election in a multiple-access channel, where the number of devices $n\geq 2$ is unknown. It is well-known that for polynomial-time randomized leader election algorithms with success probability $1-1/poly(n)$, the optimal energy complexity is $\Theta(\log\log^*n)$ if receivers can detect collisions, and $\Theta(\log^*n)$ otherwise. Without collision detection, all existing randomized leader election algorithms using $o(\log\log n)$ energy are Monte Carlo in that they may fail with some small probability, and they may consume unbounded energy and never halt when they fail. Though the optimal energy complexity of leader election appears to be settled, it is still an open question to attain the optimal $O(\log^*n)$ energy complexity by an efficient Las Vegas algorithm that never fails. In this paper we address this fundamental question. $\textbf{Separation between Monte Carlo and Las Vegas:}$ Without collision detection, we prove that any Las Vegas leader election algorithm with finite expected time complexity must use $\Omega(\log\log n)$ energy, establishing a large separation between Monte Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms. $\textbf{Exponential improvement with sender collision detection:}$ In the setting where senders can detect collisions, we design a new leader election algorithm that finishes in $O(\log^{1+\epsilon}n)$ time and uses $O(\epsilon^{-1}\log\log\log n)$ energy in expectation, showing that sender collision detection helps improve the energy complexity exponentially. $\textbf{Optimal deterministic leader election algorithm:}$ As a side result, via derandomization, we show a new deterministic algorithm that takes $O(n\log(N/n))$ time and $O(\log(N/n))$ energy to elect a leader from $n$ devices, where each device has a unique identifier in $[N]$. This algorithm is time-optimal and energy-optimal.
翻译:我们考虑的是在一个多进入频道中随机领导者选举的时间和能源复杂性, 在那里, 设备数量未知 $\ geq 2美元 。 众所周知, 对于成功概率为1-1/poly( n) 的多元时间随机领导选举算法, 最佳的能源复杂性是$Theta( log\log\ ón), 如果接收者能够检测碰撞, 或者 $Theta( log\ log) 。 没有碰撞探测, 所有现有的使用 $( log\ log) 美元 的现有随机领导选举算法 : 蒙特卡洛可能以一些小的概率失败, 并且它们可能消耗无限制的能源 。 尽管领导选举的最佳能源复杂性似乎已经解决, 但通过高效的拉斯维加斯算法算法, 我们从这一基本问题的角度处理 。 美元tretleb=====Sepreaxal laxal: 我们证明, 任何拉斯维加斯选举领导人的州级变变现成本计算法 。