项目名称: 三维触觉人机交互界面研究
项目编号: No.61300145
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 孙铭会
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 本项目以提高三维交互的真实感和有效性为目的,通过深入研究和利用振动、压力和肌肉运动感知觉等触觉属性,在三维交互过程中传递触觉交互信息,拓展视听交互带宽。探求触觉信息与三维空间操作的内在联系,提高触觉信息在三维操作中的效率和准确性。主要通过马达提供振动反馈,研究多种振动模式(根据不同的振动频率,振幅及振动位置),提供低成本、实用化、真实感强的触觉反馈;通过压力传感器获得压力信息,作为触觉输入,结合模式识别算法,捕捉用户意图;用户通过肌肉运动感知觉建立空间感,作为触觉输入信息,触发交互行为。本项目符合下一代用户界面的需求,为加快用户利用触觉信息在三维空间自然的交互提供了理论和技术准备。
中文关键词: 人机交互;触式交互;交互界面设计;笔式交互;多模态交互
英文摘要: The purpose of this project is to improve the reality and effectiveness in 3D user Interaction. We will study several haptic modalities, such as vibration, pressure and kinesthetic. And also we want to apply these haptic modalities into 3D user interaction and expand the interactive channel. This project will explore the relationship between haptic information and 3D interaction and improve the efficiency and accuracy. Actuator is used to supply the vibration feedback. Several vibration patterns are investigated based on different vibration frequency, amplitude and vibration location. Pressure from pressure sensor is used as haptic input information. User's intention is recognized with pressure information by pattern recognition algorithm. How to divide three-dimensional space into several parts with kinesthetic modality is also a very interesting scientific question. This research is suitable for the four themes in the Reality-based interaction. It will be helpful for the theories and techniques for applying haptics into 3D natural user interaction.
英文关键词: Human computer interaction;haptic interaction;interface design;pen-based interface;multi-modal interaction