In 2009, Shur published the following conjecture: Let $L$ be a power-free language and let $e(L)\subseteq L$ be the set of words of $L$ that can be extended to a bi-infinite word respecting the given power-freeness. If $u, v \in e(L)$ then $uwv \in e(L)$ for some word $w$. Let $L_{k,\alpha}$ denote an $\alpha$-power free language over an alphabet with $k$ letters, where $\alpha$ is a positive rational number and $k$ is positive integer. We prove the conjecture for the languages $L_{k,\alpha}$, where $\alpha\geq 5$ and $k\geq 3$.
Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead.