This paper presents Open-source software and a developed shield board for the Raspberry Pi family of single-board computers that can be used to read EEG signals. We have described the mechanism for reading EEG signals and decomposing them into a Fourier series and provided examples of controlling LEDs and a toy robot by blinking. Finally, we discussed the prospects of the brain-computer interface for the near future and considered various methods for controlling external mechanical objects using real-time EEG signals.
翻译:本文介绍了开放源码软件和为Raspberry Pi家族开发的、可用于阅读EEG信号的单机计算机屏蔽板,我们描述了将EEG信号读成Fourier系列并将其分解成Fourier信号的机制,提供了通过眨眼控制LED和玩具机器人的实例,最后,我们讨论了脑计算机接口近期的前景,并审议了使用实时EEG信号控制外部机械物体的各种方法。