A binarization of a bounded variable $x$ is a linear formulation with variables $x$ and additional binary variables $y_1,\dots, y_k$, so that integrality of $x$ is implied by the integrality of $y_1,\dots, y_k$. A binary extended formulation of a polyhedron $P$ is obtained by adding to the original description of $P$ binarizations of some of its variables. In the context of mixed-integer programming, imposing integrality on 0/1 variables rather than on general integer variables has interesting convergence properties and has been studied both from the theoretical and from the practical point of view. We propose a notion of \emph{natural} binarizations and binary extended formulations, encompassing all the ones studied in the literature. We give a simple characterization of the vertices of such formulations, which allows us to study their behavior with respect to sequential convexification. %0/1 disjunctions. In particular, given a binary extended formulation and % a binarization $B$ of one of its variables $x$, we study a parameter that measures the progress made towards ensuring the integrality of $x$ via application of sequential convexification. We formulate this parameter, which we call rank, as the solution of a set covering problem and express it exactly for the classical binarizations from the literature.
翻译:绑定的变量 $x 的二进制是一个线性配方,变量x美元,变量x美元,额外的二进制变量 $y_1,\dots, y_k$,因此,美元的完整性意味着$x的完整性,$_1,\dosts, y_k$。 包含文献中研究的所有内容的一元配方的二进制扩展配方。我们对这种配方的一些变量的最初描述进行简单描述,从而使我们能够研究它们与顺序的正弦化有关的行为。%0/1的级别。特别是,鉴于一个二进制式的配方,而不是一般整数变量具有有趣的趋同性,并且已经从理论和实践角度研究了美元的统一性。我们提出了一个概念,即\emph{natural}binarizations 和二进制配方的配方,我们用这个公式的一整进度,我们从一个总进度的一进度中,我们从一个总进度的进度的进度中,我们从一个进度的一进度的进度的进度的进度学,我们通过一个进度的进度的进度的进度的进度学。