Researchers have proposed kinds of malware detection methods to solve the explosive mobile security threats. We argue that the experiment results are inflated due to the research bias introduced by the variability of malware dataset. We explore the impact of bias in Android malware detection in three aspects, the method used to flag the ground truth, the distribution of malware families in the dataset, and the methods to use the dataset. We implement a set of experiments of different VT thresholds and find that the methods used to flag the malware data affect the malware detection performance directly. We further compare the impact of malware family types and composition on malware detection in detail. The superiority of each approach is different under various combinations of malware families. Through our extensive experiments, we showed that the methods to use the dataset can have a misleading impact on evaluation, and the performance difference can be up to over 40%. We argue that these research biases observed in this paper should be carefully controlled/eliminated to enforce a fair comparison of malware detection techniques. Providing reasonable and explainable results is better than only reporting a high detection accuracy with vague dataset and experimental settings.