In this work, we explore the possibility of decoding Imagined Speech brain waves using machine learning techniques. We propose a covariance matrix of Electroencephalogram channels as input features, projection to tangent space of covariance matrices for obtaining vectors from covariance matrices, principal component analysis for dimension reduction of vectors, an artificial feed-forward neural network as a classification model and bootstrap aggregation for creating an ensemble of neural network models. After the classification, two different Finite State Machines are designed that create an interface for controlling a computer system using an Imagined Speech-based BCI system. The proposed approach is able to decode the Imagined Speech signal with a maximum mean classification accuracy of 85% on binary classification task of one long word and a short word. We also show that our proposed approach is able to differentiate between imagined speech brain signals and rest state brain signals with maximum mean classification accuracy of 94%. We compared our proposed method with other approaches for decoding imagined speech and show that our approach performs equivalent to the state of the art approach on decoding long vs. short words and outperforms it significantly on the other two tasks of decoding three short words and three vowels with an average margin of 11% and 9%, respectively. We also obtain an information transfer rate of 21-bits-per-minute when using an IS based system to operate a computer. These results show that the proposed approach is able to decode a wide variety of imagined speech signals without any human-designed features.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们探索了使用机器学习技术解码模拟语音的脑波的可能性。 我们提出一个电子脑图频道的共变矩阵,作为输入功能,投影到从共变矩阵获取矢量的共变矩阵的正反差矩阵空间,为减少矢量而进行主要组成部分分析,为建立神经网络模型的混合分类模型而人工进化前神经网络,为创造神经网络模型的组合而将人工进化前螺旋网作为分类模型和靴套集合。在分类后,设计了两种不同的“芬特国机器”,为使用以想象为基础的语音BCI系统控制计算机系统创造了一个界面。提议的方法能够将想象式语音信号的特性与从一个长单词和一个短字和一个短字的双词分类任务中85%的最大平均分类精确空间进行解码解码。 我们还表明,我们提出的方法可以区分想象式脑脑信号和最大平均分类精确度为9 %的状态信号。 我们比较了我们提出的方法,并表明我们的方法在解码以其他方法中与以短期语言解码方式进行等同状态。 短话和超值信号信号信号信号的快速转换为最高值信号,我们使用两种任务中, 也显示以正常格式运行的顺序运行中的一种第9位。