We present a prototype demonstrator that integrates three technologies, mixed reality head-mounted displays, wearable bio-sensors, and mid-air haptic projectors to deliver an interactive tactile experience with a bio-hologram. Users of this prototype are able to see, touch and feel a hologram of a heart that is beating at the same rhythm as their own. The demo uses an Ultrahaptics device, a Magic Leap One Mixed Reality headset, and an Apple Watch that measures the wearer's heart rate, all synchronized and networked together such that updates from the wristband dynamically change the haptic feedback and the animation speed of the beating heart thus creating a more personalised experience.
翻译:我们推出一个原型演示器, 将三种技术、 混杂的现实头顶显示器、 可磨损的生物传感器、 和中空临时投影仪结合起来, 以生物光谱提供互动的触摸体验。 这个原型的用户能够看到、 触摸和感受一个心脏的全息图, 其跳动速度和他们自己的同步。 演示使用一个Ultraphatic 装置、 一个魔术精液一个混合真实耳机和一个苹果观察器, 用来测量磨损器的心跳, 所有同步和网络化的心脏速率, 从而让手腕带的更新动态改变机能反馈和跳动心脏动速度, 从而创造更个性化的经历 。