Cordial Miners is a family of simple, efficient, self-contained, Byzantine Atomic Broadcast protocols, with optimal instances for asynchrony and eventual synchrony. Its simplicity-cum-efficiency stems from using the blocklace -- a partially-ordered generalization of the totally-ordered blockchain -- for all key algorithmic tasks, including block dissemination, equivocation exclusion, leader finality, block ordering, and for the identification and exclusion of faulty miners. The algorithm employs piecemeal topological sort of the partially-ordered blocklace into a totally-ordered sequence of blocks, excluding equivocations as well as the Byzantine miners perpetrating them along the way. The conversion process is monotonic in that the output sequence only extends as the input blocklace increases, which implies (i) safety -- the outputs of two correct miners are consistent (one is a prefix of the other), and (ii) finality -- any output of a correct miner is final. We present two instances of the protocol family: One for the eventual synchrony model, employing deterministic/predicted leader selection and 3 rounds of communication to leader finality in the good case, which is three-quarters of the latency of state-of-the-art protocols. The second for the asynchrony model, employing retroactive random leader selection, 6 rounds to leader finality in the good case, and 9 rounds in the expected case, which is half the latency of state-of-the-art protocols in the good case and three-quarters of their latency in the expected case. In both protocols, message complexity is the same as the state-of-the-art.
翻译:神秘矿工是一个简单、高效、自足、自足、拜占庭原子广播协议的大家庭, 其最佳的不同步和最终同步场景。 它的简单和效益来自使用块状带 -- -- 完全有序的块状链条的局部化概括 -- -- 用于所有关键的算法任务, 包括块状传播、 平等排除、 领导终局、 街区订购, 以及用于识别和排除有缺陷的矿工。 算法使用零碎的、 部分有序的地层块类型, 形成一个完全有序的区块序列, 不包括偏差和拜占庭矿工沿路进行。 转换过程的简单化过程是单调, 产出序列随着输入块块块块的增加而扩展, 这意味着 (一) 两种正确的矿工模型的输出是一致的( 一个是另一个的前缀 ) 以及 (二) 任何正确的矿工的输出都是最后的。 我们展示了两个协议系列的两例: 一个是最终同步模式, 使用确定性/ 预选定的矿工沿路段 。 3回合的预选为正确规则的预选案 。