Active learning can be defined as iterations of data labeling, model training, and data acquisition, until sufficient labels are acquired. A traditional view of data acquisition is that, through iterations, knowledge from human labels and models is implicitly distilled to monotonically increase the accuracy and label consistency. Under this assumption, the most recently trained model is a good surrogate for the current labeled data, from which data acquisition is requested based on uncertainty/diversity. Our contribution is debunking this myth and proposing a new objective for distillation. First, we found example forgetting, which indicates the loss of knowledge learned across iterations. Second, for this reason, the last model is no longer the best teacher -- For mitigating such forgotten knowledge, we select one of its predecessor models as a teacher, by our proposed notion of "consistency". We show that this novel distillation is distinctive in the following three aspects; First, consistency ensures to avoid forgetting labels. Second, consistency improves both uncertainty/diversity of labeled data. Lastly, consistency redeems defective labels produced by human annotators.
翻译:积极的学习可以定义为数据标签、模型培训和数据获取的迭代,直到获得足够的标签。传统的数据获取观点是,通过迭代,人类标签和模型的知识被暗含地蒸馏,以单质地提高准确性和标签一致性。在这个假设下,最近培训的模型是目前标签数据的良好代谢,根据不确定性/多样性要求获得数据。我们的贡献是揭开这一神话,并提出新的蒸馏目标。首先,我们发现了一些例子,表明在迭代之间知识的丧失。第二,由于这个原因,最后一个模型不再是最好的教师 -- -- 为了减轻这种被遗忘的知识,我们选择了其中的一位前身模型作为教师,我们提议的“一致性”概念。我们表明,这种新颖的蒸馏在三个方面是独特的;第一,一致性确保避免忘记标签。第二,一致性改进了标签数据的不确定性/多样性。最后,一致性是人类说明师制作的有缺陷的标签。