Oblivious routing has a long history in both the theory and practice of networking. In this work we initiate the formal study of oblivious routing in the context of reconfigurable networks, a new architecture that has recently come to the fore in datacenter networking. These networks allow a rapidly changing bounded-degree pattern of interconnections between nodes, but the network topology and the selection of routing paths must both be oblivious to the traffic demand matrix. Our focus is on the trade-off between maximizing throughput and minimizing latency in these networks. For every constant throughput rate, we characterize (up to a constant factor) the minimum latency achievable by an oblivious reconfigurable network design that satisfies the given throughput guarantee. The trade-off between these two objectives turns out to be surprisingly subtle: the curve depicting it has an unexpected scalloped shape reflecting the fact that load-balancing becomes more difficult when the average length of routing paths is not an integer because equalizing all the path lengths is not possible. The proof of our lower bound uses LP duality to verify that Valiant load balancing is the most efficient oblivious routing scheme when used in combination with an optimally-designed reconfigurable network topology. The proof of our upper bound uses an algebraic construction in which the network nodes are identified with vectors over a finite field, the network topology is described by either the elementary basis or a sequence of Vandermonde matrices, and routing paths are constructed by selecting columns of these matrices to yield the appropriate mixture of path lengths within the shortest possible time interval.
翻译:在网络建设的理论和实践上,显而易见的路径路径都有悠久的历史。 在这项工作中,我们开始正式研究在可重新配置的网络背景下的隐蔽路径,这是一个最近出现在数据中心网络的前方的新结构。这些网络允许节点之间快速变化的封闭度的互联模式,但网络地形和选择路由路径必须同时被交通需求矩阵所忽略。我们的重点是最大限度增加路由流和最大限度地减少这些网络的悬浮路径之间的取舍。对于每一个常态的基本通路率,我们(在固定系数上方)确定通过一个模糊的可重新配置的网络设计可以达到的最起码的延缓性。这两个目标之间的折叠式变化令人惊讶地显示:描述它的曲线具有出乎意料的振动形状,它反映了当平均路由流路程长度的长度不是整数,而是所有路径长度的平整。对于每一个常态的平坦的网络结构,我们下方端端的平坦性轨道使用最低端的网络设计来达到最低的平坦度,而平坦性网络的平坦度则用来校正的平坦性平坦性平整的平坦性基路流,在最平坦的平坦的网络中, 平坦的平整的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平坦的平整。