In this article, we evaluate unsupervised anomaly detection methods in multispectral images obtained with a wavelength-independent synthetic aperture sensing technique, called Airborne Optical Sectioning (AOS). With a focus on search and rescue missions that apply drones to locate missing or injured persons in dense forest and require real-time operation, we evaluate runtime vs. quality of these methods. Furthermore, we show that color anomaly detection methods that normally operate in the visual range always benefit from an additional far infrared (thermal) channel. We also show that, even without additional thermal bands, the choice of color space in the visual range already has an impact on the detection results. Color spaces like HSV and HLS have the potential to outperform the widely used RGB color space, especially when color anomaly detection is used for forest-like environments.
翻译:在文章中,我们评估了利用波长独立合成孔径遥感技术获得的多光谱图像中不受监督的异常探测方法,称为空载光学分解(AOS),重点是搜索和救援任务,这些任务应用无人驾驶飞机在密密林找到失踪或受伤人员并需要实时操作,我们评估了这些方法的运行时间与质量。此外,我们表明,通常在视觉范围内操作的色异常探测方法总是从另外一条远红外(热)通道中受益。我们还表明,即使没有额外的热波段,在视觉范围内选择颜色空间也已经对探测结果产生了影响。 HSV 和 HLS 等彩色空间有可能超越广泛使用的 RGB 色空间, 特别是在像森林的环境使用色异常探测的情况下。