Multi-chip integration is widely recognized as the extension of Moore's Law. Cost-saving is a frequently mentioned advantage, but previous works rarely present quantitative demonstrations on the cost superiority of multi-chip integration over monolithic SoC. In this paper, we build a quantitative cost model and put forward an analytical method for multi-chip systems based on three typical multi-chip integration technologies to analyze the cost benefits from yield improvement, chiplet and package reuse, and heterogeneity. We re-examine the actual cost of multi-chip systems from various perspectives and show how to reduce the total cost of the VLSI system through appropriate multi-chiplet architecture.
翻译:多芯片一体化被公认为摩尔法的延伸。 节约成本是一个经常提到的优势,但以前的工作很少能对多芯片一体化的成本优于单一石碑 soc。 在本文件中,我们建立了一个量化成本模型,并根据三种典型的多芯片一体化技术,为多芯片系统提出分析方法,以分析提高产量、芯片和包装再利用以及异质性带来的成本效益。我们从不同角度重新审查多芯片系统的实际成本,并表明如何通过适当的多芯片结构降低多芯片系统的总成本。