Surface-based analysis of MR data has well-recognized advantages, including improved whole-cortex visualization, the ability to perform surface smoothing to avoid issues associated with volumetric smoothing, improved inter-subject alignment, and reduced dimensionality. The CIFTI ``grayordinate'' file format introduced by the Human Connectome Project further advances surface-based analysis by combining left and right hemispheric surface metric data with subcortical and cerebellar gray matter data into a single file. Analyses performed in grayordinates space are well-suited to leverage information shared across the brain and across subjects through both traditional analysis techniques and more advanced Bayesian statistical methods. The R statistical environment facilitates the latter given its wealth of advanced statistical techniques for Bayesian computation and spatial modeling. Yet little support for grayordinates analysis has been previously available in R, and few comprehensive programmatic tools for working with CIFTI files have been available in any language. Here, we present the ciftiTools R package, which provides a unified environment for reading, writing, visualizing and manipulating CIFTI and related data formats. We illustrate ciftiTools' convenient and user-friendly suite of tools for working with grayordinates and surface geometry data in R, and we describe how ciftiTools is being utilized to advance the statistical analysis of grayordinates-based functional MRI data.
翻译:以地表为基础的数据分析具有公认的优势,包括改进了整层皮层可视化,能够进行表面平滑,以避免与体积平滑有关的问题,改进了子体间对齐,并降低了维度。人类连通项目采用的CIFTI“Graytral”文件格式进一步推进了地表分析,将左半球和右半球表面测量数据与亚表层和天际灰质物质数据合并成一个单一文件。灰坐标空间的分析非常适合利用通过传统分析技术和更先进的巴伊西亚统计方法在大脑和学科间共享的信息。鉴于Bayesian计算和空间建模所用的先进统计技术丰富,R统计环境为后者提供了便利。虽然以前R对灰坐标分析的支持很少,但任何语言都无法提供与CIFTI文件进行工作的综合方案工具。在这里,我们介绍了以ciftiTools 包进行的分析,它为阅读、撰写、可视化和操纵CIFTI举措和相关数据提供统一环境,通过传统分析技术和更先进的拜斯统计研究所的功能性地表格式,我们以方便的方式对Arifariti数据进行了数据分析。