Source address validation (SAV) is a standard formalized in RFC 2827 aimed at discarding packets with spoofed source IP addresses. The absence of SAV has been known as a root cause of reflection distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Outbound SAV (oSAV): filtering applied at the network edge to traffic coming from inside the customer network to the outside. Inbound SAV (iSAV): filtering applied at the network edge to traffic coming from the outside to the customer network.
翻译:源地址验证(SAV)是在RFC 2827中正式确定的一项标准,旨在丢弃含有伪源IP地址的包件,没有SAV已被公认为反射、分散拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击的根源。SAV(OSAV):在网络边缘对从客户网络内部到外部的交通进行过滤。SAV(ISAV):在网络边缘对从外部到客户网络的交通进行过滤。SAV(ISAV):在网络边缘对从外部到客户网络的交通进行过滤。