Anatoly Karpov's Queen sacrifices are analyzed. Stockfish 14 NNUE -- an AI chess engine -- evaluates how efficient Karpov's sacrifices are. For comparative purposes, we provide a dataset on Karpov's Rook and Knight sacrifices to test whether Karpov achieves a similar level of accuracy. Our study has implications for human-AI interaction and how humans can better understand the strategies employed by black-box AI algorithms. Finally, we conclude with implications for human study in. chess with computer engines.
翻译:Anatoly Karpov 的皇后牺牲经过分析。 14 NNUE(AI 象棋引擎) 种群鱼 14 NNUE 评估Karpov 的牺牲效率。 为了比较起见, 我们提供Karpov Rook 和 Knight 牺牲的数据集, 以测试Karpov 是否达到类似的精确度。 我们的研究对人类- AI 互动和人类如何更好地了解黑盒 AI 算法使用的战略有影响。 最后, 我们的结论是对人类的研究有影响。 象棋和计算机引擎。