In this work, we consider $d$-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} and $d$-{\sc Hyperedge Sample} problem in a hypergraph $\cH(U(\cH),\cF(\cH))$ in the query complexity framework, where $U(\cH)$ denotes the set of vertices and $\cF(\cH)$ denotes the set of hyperedges. The oracle access to the hypergraph is called {\sc Colorful Independence Oracle} ({\sc CID}), which takes $d$ (non-empty) pairwise disjoint subsets of vertices $\dsubset \subseteq U(\cH)$ as input, and answers whether there exists a hyperedge in $\cH$ having (exactly) one vertex in each $A_i, i \in \{1,2,\ldots,d\}$. The problem of $d$-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} and $d$-{\sc Hyperedge Sample} with {\sc CID} oracle access is important in its own right as a combinatorial problem. Also, Dell {\it{et al.}}~[SODA '20] established that {\em decision} vs {\em counting} complexities of a number of combinatorial optimization problems can be abstracted out as $d$-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} problems with a {\sc CID} oracle access. The main technical contribution of the paper is an algorithm that estimates $m= \size{\cF(\cH)}$ with $\hat{m}$ such that { $$ \frac{1}{C_{d}\log^{d-1} n} \;\leq\; \frac{\hat{m}}{m} \;\leq\; C_{d} \log ^{d-1} n . $$ by using at most $C_{d}\log ^{d+2} n$ many {\sc CID} queries, where $n$ denotes the number of vertices in the hypergraph $\cH$ and $C_{d}$ is a constant that depends only on $d$}. Our result coupled with the framework of Dell {\it{et al.}}~[SODA '21] implies improved bounds for a number of fundamental problems.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们考虑在查询复杂框架中的超额交易 $(美元)和美元(美元) 美元(美元),在查询复杂框架里,美元(美元)表示的是一套顶点和美元(美元)表示的是一套顶点。 进入高点的奥克莱尔称为(美元) 彩色独立 Orcle} (美元),这需要美元(非空白) 美元(美元),在查询复杂框架里, 美元(美元) 表示的是一套高点, 美元(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元(c)(c)(c) 美元(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元), 美元(c(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元(d(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元(美元) 美元(d(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元) 美元) 美元(c(c(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c)(c) 美元) 美元) 美元) 美元) 美元) 美元)和(c(c)(美元) (c)(美元) 美元) 美元) 美元) (美元) 美元) 美元) 美元(c(美元) (美元) (c(d(d(c(c)(也表示(c)(也表示) (a(c)(也表示) (c) (c)(美元) (c)(美元) (c) (c)(a) (c) (c) (c)(a) (c)(a) (c) (c) (c)(美元) (c) (c) (c) (c)(美元) 美元) (c)(美元) (c) (c) (c)(a) (c) (c) 美元) (c) ) (c)(a) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) 美元) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (