We propose and experimentally evaluate a novel secure aggregation algorithm targeted at cross-organizational federated learning applications with a fixed set of participating learners. Our solution organizes learners in a chain and encrypts all traffic to reduce the controller of the aggregation to a mere message broker. We show that our algorithm scales better and is less resource demanding than existing solutions, while being easy to implement on constrained platforms. With 36 nodes our method outperforms state-of-the-art secure aggregation by 70x, and 56x with and without failover, respectively.
翻译:我们建议并实验性地评估一种新的安全总算法,该算法针对跨组织联合学习应用程序,并配有固定的参与学习者。我们的解决办法是将学习者组织成一个链条,并加密所有交通,将总合控制器减少到一个单纯的信息经纪人。我们表明,我们的算法比现有解决方案要好,资源要求也比现有解决方案要低,同时很容易在受限制的平台上实施。 我们的方法有36个节点,比最新的安全总和分别高70x和56x, 并且有故障和没有故障。