A minimal separator in a graph is an inclusion-minimal set of vertices that separates some fixed pair of nonadjacent vertices. A graph class is said to be tame if there exists a polynomial upper bound for the number of minimal separators of every graph in the class, and feral if it contains arbitrarily large graphs with exponentially many minimal separators. Building on recent works of Gartland and Lokshtanov [SODA 2023] and Gajarsk\'y, Jaffke, Lima, Novotn\'a, Pilipczuk, Rz\k{a}\.zewski, and Souza [arXiv, 2022], we show that every graph class defined by a single forbidden induced minor or induced topological minor is either tame or feral, and classify the two cases. This leads to new graph classes in which Maximum Weight Independent Set and many other problems are solvable in polynomial time. We complement the classification results with polynomial-time recognition algorithms for the maximal tame graph classes appearing in the obtained classifications.