We propose a novel numerical method for the solution of the shallow water equations in different regimes of the Froude number making use of general polygonal meshes. The fluxes of the governing equations are split such that advection and acoustic-gravity sub-systems are derived, hence separating slow and fast phenomena. This splitting allows the nonlinear convective fluxes to be discretized explicitly in time, while retaining an implicit time marching for the acoustic-gravity terms. Consequently, the novel schemes are particularly well suited in the low Froude limit of the model, since no numerical viscosity is added in the implicit solver. Besides, stability follows from a milder CFL condition which is based only on the advection speed and not on the celerity. High order time accuracy is achieved using the family of semi-implicit IMEX Runge-Kutta schemes, while high order in space is granted relying on two discretizations: (i) a cell-centered finite volume (FV) scheme for the nonlinear convective contribution on the polygonal cells; (ii) a staggered discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme for the solution of the linear system associated to the implicit discretization of the pressure sub-system. Therefore, three different meshes are used, namely a polygonal Voronoi mesh, a triangular subgrid and a staggered quadrilateral subgrid. The novel schemes are proved to be Asymptotic Preserving (AP), hence a consistent discretization of the limit model is retrieved for vanishing Froude numbers, which is the given by the so-called "lake at rest" equations. Furthermore, the novel methods are well-balanced by construction, and this property is also demonstrated. Accuracy and robustness are then validated against a set of benchmark test cases with Froude numbers ranging in the interval $\Fr \approx [10^{-6};5]$, hence showing that multiple time scales can be handled by the novel methods.
翻译:我们提出一个新的数字方法来解决Froude数不同系统中浅水方程式中浅水方程式的解决方案, 并使用普通多边方程。 治理方程的通量是分开的, 从而产生对流和声重亚系统, 从而将慢速和快速现象分开。 这个分割可以让非线性对流通流在时间上明确分解, 同时保留音频重力条件的隐含时间进程。 因此, 新方程式特别适合模型的低频度限制, 因为隐含的解析方程中没有增加数字粘度。 此外, 稳定性还来自于较温的 CFLFL条件, 仅基于吸附速度而不是加速。 高级时间精确度是通过半隐含的 ImEX runge- Kutta 方案实现的组合, 而空间的高度顺序则取决于两个离析值:(i) 一种细胞- 直流- 直流- 量 量(FV) 计划, 用于在多边方言型解解解的变数中显示非线性贡献; 变压- 变压的变变变压的系统是不同的变压的变压的计算法。