Ensuring public safety in a Smart City (SC) environment is a critical and increasingly complicated task due to the involvement of multiple agencies and the city's expansion across cyber and social layers. In this paper, we propose an extensive form perfect information game to model interactions and optimal city resource allocations when a Terrorist Organization (TO) performs attacks on multiple targets across two conceptual SC levels, a physical, and a cyber-social. The Smart City Defense Game (SCDG) considers three players that initially are entitled to a specific finite budget. Two SC agencies that have to defend their physical or social territories respectively, fight against a common enemy, the TO. Each layer consists of multiple targets and the attack outcome depends on whether the resources allocated there by the associated agency, exceed or not the TO's. Each player's utility is equal to the number of successfully defended targets. The two agencies are allowed to make budget transfers provided that it is beneficial for both. We completely characterize the Sub-game Perfect Nash Equilibrium (SPNE) of the SCDG that consists of strategies for optimal resource exchanges between SC agencies and accounts for the TO's budget allocation across the physical and social targets. Also, we present numerical and comparative results demonstrating that when the SC players act according to the SPNE, they maximize the number of successfully defended targets. The SCDG is shown to be a promising solution for modeling critical resource allocations between SC parties in the face of multi-layer simultaneous terrorist attacks.
翻译:由于多个机构的参与以及该市在网络和社会层面的扩张,确保智能城市环境中的公共安全是一项关键且日益复杂的任务。在本文件中,我们提出一个广泛的完美信息游戏,以模拟互动和最佳城市资源分配,当恐怖主义组织(TO)在两个概念性的SC层面,即物理层面和网络社会层面对多个目标进行攻击时,可以模拟互动和最佳城市资源分配。智能城市防卫游戏(SCDG)认为最初有资格获得特定有限预算的三个角色。两个机构必须分别捍卫其有形或社会领土,对抗共同敌人,TO。每层由多个目标组成,攻击结果取决于相关机构所分配的资源是否超过TO的。每个角色的效用相当于成功捍卫的目标数量。两个机构可以进行预算转移,只要这对两者都有利。我们完全描述SCD的子游戏完美Nash Equilibrium(SPNE)的特征,它包括SC机构之间最佳资源交流战略,以及跨实体和社会目标之间预算分配账户的账户。每个层次取决于该相关机构所分配的资源是否超过TO'。每个角色的效用与成功捍卫目标的数量。我们展示了SCD的数值和对比结果,当他们展示了SC级攻击目标中最有希望的SDA的目标时,我们展示了S的数值和SDA的数值, 展示了他们展示了他们的承诺。