Combinatorial reconfiguration is a growing research field studying problems on the transformability between a pair of solutions of a search problem. We consider the approximability of optimization variants of reconfiguration problems; e.g., for a Boolean formula $\varphi$ and two satisfying truth assignments $\sigma_{\sf s}$ and $\sigma_{\sf t}$ for $\varphi$, Maxmin SAT Reconfiguration requires to maximize the minimum fraction of satisfied clauses of $\varphi$ during transformation from $\sigma_{\sf s}$ to $\sigma_{\sf t}$. Solving such optimization variants approximately, we may obtain a reconfiguration sequence comprising almost-satisfying truth assignments. In this study, we prove a series of gap-preserving reductions to give evidence that a host of reconfiguration problems are PSPACE-hard to approximate, under some plausible assumption. Our starting point is a new working hypothesis called the Reconfiguration Inapproximability Hypothesis (RIH), which asserts that a gap version of Maxmin CSP Reconfiguration is PSPACE-hard. This hypothesis may be thought of as a reconfiguration analogue of the PCP theorem. Our main result is PSPACE-hardness of approximating Maxmin $3$-SAT Reconfiguration of bounded occurrence under RIH. The crux of its proof is a gap-preserving reduction from Maxmin Binary CSP Reconfiguration to itself of bounded degree. Because a simple application of the degree reduction technique using expander graphs due to Papadimitriou and Yannakakis does not preserve the perfect completeness, we modify the alphabet as if each vertex could take a pair of values simultaneously. To accomplish the soundness requirement, we further apply an explicit family of near-Ramanujan graphs and the expander mixing lemma. As an application of the main result, we demonstrate that under RIH, optimization variants of popular reconfiguration problems are PSPACE-hard to approximate.
翻译:组合重组是一个不断增长的研究领域, 研究对搜索问题的一对解决方案之间的可变性。 我们认为, 对重组问题的优化变式的接近性; 例如, 对于布利安公式 $\ varphie$ 和 两次满意的真相分配 $\ sigma\\ sf s} 美元 和 $\ sigma\\ sf t} 美元, Maxmin SAT 重新配置需要最大限度地增加在从 $\\ sigma_sfs f $ 到 $\ sigma_sf t} 的转换中满足的美元条款的最小部分。 我们考虑的是, 最接近于 美元变异性变异性( RIH) 的满足性条款的最小化部分。 亚利克斯· CSP 优化变异性变异性( 亚利变异性) 的变异性( 亚利变异性), 其变异性变异性( 亚利变性) 其变异性( 亚性) 其变异性( 亚利变异性) 其变异性( 亚变) 其变异性变( ) 变异性变异性变( ) 其次的变现( ) ) 其变的变(变) 其变的变现( ) ) 其变现( 其变现) 其变现) 其变的变的变的变的变式)