In this study, the creation of a database consisting of images obtained as a result of deformation in the images recorded by these cameras by injecting errors into the robot camera nodes and the alternative uses of this database are explained. The study is based on an existing camera fault injection software that injects faults into the cameras of the ROKOS robot arms while the system is running and collects the normal and faulty images recorded during this injection. The database obtained in the study is a source for detecting anomalies that may occur in robotic systems. The ROKOS system has been developed on the inspection of the parts in a bus body-in-white with the help of the cameras on the ROKOS robot arms, right and left. The simulation-based robot verification testing tool (SRVT) system is a system that has emerged by simulating these robots and the chassis in the Gazebo environment, performing and implementing the trajectory planning with the MoveIt planner, and integrating the ROS Smach structure and mission communication. This system is being developed within the scope of the VALU3S project to create a V&V system in the robotics field. Within the scope of this study, a database of 10000 images was created, consisting of 5000 normal and 5000 faulty images. Faulty pictures were obtained by injecting seven different image fault types, including erosion, dilusion, opening, closing, gradient, motion-blur and partial loss, at different times when the robot was in operation. This database consists of images taken by the ROKOS system from the vehicle during a bus chassis inspection mission.
翻译:在这项研究中,通过向机器人摄像机节点和该数据库的替代用途输入错误,创建了一个数据库,由这些相机所录图像变形后获得的图像组成。该研究以一个现有的相机错入软件为基础,该软件在系统运行和收集输入过程中所记录的正常和错误图像时,将错入ROKOS机器人手臂的相机。该研究中获取的数据库是探测机器人系统中可能发生的异常现象的一个来源。ROKOS系统是在ROKOS机器人摄像机节点和该数据库的其他用途帮助下,通过对公共汽车机体中的白色部件进行检查而开发的。基于模拟的机器人错入测试工具(SRVT)系统是模拟这些机器人和Gazebo环境中的底盘的系统,与MovIT平板一起进行并进行轨迹规划,并整合ROS Smach结构和任务通信。这个系统是在VL3S项目范围内开发的,目的是在ROKOS机器人机械臂、右侧和左侧的操作中创建VVV-V系统。在正常的磁带图像中,在5000图像中,在正常的磁带变变变变变变变变变的图像数据库中,这是通过一个研究获得的10次的图像系统,在正常的磁变变变变变变变的图像中,在5的图像中,在5的变变变变变的图像中,从的变变的图像中,在S的图像中,在V图像中,在正常的变的变的图像中进行了一个研究中,在5的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的