We consider approximating the solution of the Helmholtz exterior Dirichlet problem for a nontrapping obstacle, with boundary data coming from plane-wave incidence, by the solution of the corresponding boundary value problem where the exterior domain is truncated and a local absorbing boundary condition coming from a Pad\'e approximation (of arbitrary order) of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map is imposed on the artificial boundary (recall that the simplest such boundary condition is the impedance boundary condition). We prove upper- and lower-bounds on the relative error incurred by this approximation, both in the whole domain and in a fixed neighbourhood of the obstacle (i.e. away from the artificial boundary). Our bounds are valid for arbitrarily-high frequency, with the artificial boundary fixed, and show that the relative error is bounded away from zero, independent of the frequency, and regardless of the geometry of the artificial boundary.
翻译:我们考虑近似于解决黑尔莫尔茨外地的迪里赫莱特(Helmholtz)问题,因为这个问题是一个非绊脚石的障碍,边界数据来自飞机波,相应的边界值问题的解决办法是外部域被截断,当地吸收的边界条件来自迪里赫莱特至尼乌曼地图(任意命令)的Pad\'e point(任意命令),而人工边界是强加在人造边界上的(回顾最简单的边界条件是阻塞边界条件 ) 。 我们证明,这一近距离的相对差错是上下限的,包括整个领域和障碍的固定邻里(即远离人工边界 ) 。 我们的边界对任意高频率是有效的,人为边界是固定的,并表明相对错误与零相隔开,与频率无关,也与人工边界的几何测量无关。