This paper proposes an Information Bottleneck theory based filter pruning method that uses a statistical measure called Mutual Information (MI). The MI between filters and class labels, also called \textit{Relevance}, is computed using the filter's activation maps and the annotations. The filters having High Relevance (HRel) are considered to be more important. Consequently, the least important filters, which have lower Mutual Information with the class labels, are pruned. Unlike the existing MI based pruning methods, the proposed method determines the significance of the filters purely based on their corresponding activation map's relationship with the class labels. Architectures such as LeNet-5, VGG-16, ResNet-56\textcolor{myblue}{, ResNet-110 and ResNet-50 are utilized to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed pruning method over MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. The proposed method shows the state-of-the-art pruning results for LeNet-5, VGG-16, ResNet-56, ResNet-110 and ResNet-50 architectures. In the experiments, we prune 97.98 \%, 84.85 \%, 76.89\%, 76.95\%, and 63.99\% of Floating Point Operation (FLOP)s from LeNet-5, VGG-16, ResNet-56, ResNet-110, and ResNet-50 respectively.} The proposed HRel pruning method outperforms recent state-of-the-art filter pruning methods. Even after pruning the filters from convolutional layers of LeNet-5 drastically (i.e. from 20, 50 to 2, 3, respectively), only a small accuracy drop of 0.52\% is observed. Notably, for VGG-16, 94.98\% parameters are reduced, only with a drop of 0.36\% in top-1 accuracy. \textcolor{myblue}{ResNet-50 has shown a 1.17\% drop in the top-5 accuracy after pruning 66.42\% of the FLOPs.} In addition to pruning, the Information Plane dynamics of Information Bottleneck theory is analyzed for various Convolutional Neural Network architectures with the effect of pruning.
翻译:本文提出基于信息瓶点点的基于 Vttleneck 的过滤器方法。 与基于 MI 的运行方法不同, 拟议的方法决定过滤器的意义纯粹基于相应的激活地图与类标签的关系。 使用过滤器的激活地图和注释计算 。 高相关性( HRel) 的过滤器更为重要 。 因此, 最小的过滤器, 具有较低类标签的共享信息 。 与基于 MI 的运行方法不同, 拟议的方法决定了过滤器的意义, 纯粹基于它们与类标签对应的激活地图的关系 。 LeNet-5、 VGG-16、 ResNet- textcolor{ { myblance} 。 结构如 LeNet-16、 ResNet- textcolation{myblue}、 ResNet-110 和 ResNet-50 等, 用于显示MNIT、 CIFAR- 10 和 FAL 结构的运行方法的效能 。 。 拟议方法仅显示Le- dival listal listal listal del 5、 real- fal- rudeal- fal- fal- rude eless listrations list.