Graph Generation is a recently introduced enhanced Column Generation algorithm for solving expanded Linear Programming relaxations of mixed integer linear programs without weakening the expanded relaxations which characterize these methods. To apply Graph Generation we must be able to map any given column generated during pricing to a small directed acyclic graph for which any path from source to sink describes a feasible column. This structure is easily satisfied for vehicle routing, crew scheduling and various logistics problems where pricing is a constrained shortest path problem. The construction of such graphs trades off the size/diversity of a subset of columns modeled by the graphs versus the additional computational time required to solve the problems induced by larger graphs. Graph Generation (GG) has two computational bottlenecks. The first is pricing. Pricing in GG and Column Generation (CG) is identical because of the structure of the problems solved. The second bottleneck is the restricted master problem (RMP), which is more computationally intensive in GG than in CG given the same number of columns generated. By design GG converges in fewer iterations than CG, and hence requires fewer calls to pricing. Therefore, when the computation time of GG is dominated by pricing, as opposed to solving the RMP, GG converges much faster than CG in terms of time. However GG need not converge faster than CG when the GG RMP, rather than pricing, dominates computation. In this paper we introduce Principled Graph Management (PGM), which is an algorithm to solve the GG RMP rapidly by exploiting its special structure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PGM inside a GG solution to the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. We demonstrate that PGM solves the GG RMP hundreds of times faster than the baseline solver and that the improvement in speed increases with problem size.
翻译:图表生成是最近推出的一种强化的“ 创建” 算法, 用于解决扩大的线性编程中混合整数线性程序的松散, 同时又不削弱这些方法的特点。 要应用“ 图表生成”, 我们必须能够将定价过程中产生的任何专列映射成一个小方向的循环图, 从源到汇的任何路径都描述出一个可行的柱子。 这个结构很容易满足于车辆路由、机组时间安排和各种物流问题,因为定价是一个最短的路径问题。 这种图表的构建将一组以图表为模型的列的大小/多样性与解决较大图表引起的问题所需的额外计算时间相抵。 图表生成( GGG) 有两个计算瓶颈。 第一个是定价。 GG 和 C 生成的定价与 GG GG 的精度相同, 其精度比GG GG 的精度要快, 其精度比 RGM 的精度要快, 其精度比 RGM 的精度要快。