项目名称: 中文领域本体学习及半自动构建方法研究
项目编号: No.71201032
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学与工程
项目作者: 于娟
作者单位: 福州大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 领域本体是利用计算机实现知识共享和重用的基础,但是构建领域本体是一项困难的任务。由于缺乏完善的方法论支持,中文领域本体的构建尤为困难。本项目通过将本体学习方法集成到本体构建过程,半自动地高效地完成中文领域本体的构建任务。主要研究内容:(1)获取领域概念集合的本体学习方法,研究从电子化的显性知识源中自动提取领域专有术语的方法、自动甄别同义术语的方法、形式化地定义和描述概念的方法;(2)获取概念间关系集合的本体学习方法,研究从知识源中自动获取相关概念对的方法、命名和形式化本体关系的方法、甄别和剪枝冗余关系的方法;(3)研究基于本体学习的中文领域本体的半自动化构建方法。
中文关键词: 知识管理;领域本体;本体学习;本体构建;
英文摘要: Domain ontologies play an important role in knowledge sharing and reuse. However, building such domain ontologies is a difficult task requiring many skills, especially when building Chinese domain ontologies due to the lack of a complete methodology. This research will integrate ontology learning methods into the ontology building process to complete the task of Chinese domain ontology building semi-automatically and efficiently. The research process includes 3 stages: (a) learning domain-specific concepts from explicit knowledge resources, including automatically extracting the domain terminology, discovering synonyms and formalizing these concepts; (b) learning ontology relations, including automatically discovering relevant concepts, naming and formalizing these ontology relations and pruning redundant relations; (c) semi-automantically building Chinese domain ontologies based on ontology learning methods.
英文关键词: knowledge management;domain ontology;ontology learning;ontology building;