The large-deformation mechanics and multiphysics of continuous or fracturing partially saturated porous media under static and dynamic loads are significant in engineering and science. This article is devoted to a computational coupled large-deformation periporomechanics paradigm assuming passive air pressure for modeling dynamic failure and fracturing in variably saturated porous media. The coupled governing equations for bulk and fracture material points are formulated in the current/deformed configuration through the updated Lagrangian-Eulerian framework. It is hypothesized that the horizon of a mixed material point remains spherical, and its neighbor points are determined in the current configuration. As a significant contribution, the mixed interface/phreatic material points near the phreatic line are explicitly considered for modeling the transition from partial to full saturation (vice versa) through the mixed peridynamic state concept. We have formulated the coupled constitutive correspondence principle and stabilization scheme in the updated Lagrangian-Eulerian framework for bulk and interface points. We numerically implement the coupled large deformation periporomechanics through a fully implicit fractional-step algorithm in time and a hybrid updated Lagrangian-Eulerian meshfree method in space. Numerical examples are presented to validate the implemented stabilized computational coupled large deformation periporomechanics and demonstrate its efficacy and robustness in modeling dynamic failure and fracturing in variably saturated porous media.