The study of network formation is pervasive in economics, sociology, and many other fields. In this paper, we model network formation as a `choice' that is made by nodes in a network to connect to other nodes. We study these `choices' using discrete-choice models, in which an agent chooses between two or more discrete alternatives. We employ the `repeated-choice' (RC) model to study network formation. We argue that the RC model overcomes important limitations of the multinomial logit (MNL) model, which gives one framework for studying network formation, and that it is well-suited to study network formation. We also illustrate how to use the RC model to accurately study network formation using both synthetic and real-world networks. Using edge-independent synthetic networks, we also compare the performance of the MNL model and the RC model. We find that the RC model estimates the data-generation process of our synthetic networks more accurately than the MNL model. In a patent citation network, which forms sequentially, we present a case study of a qualitatively interesting scenario -- the fact that new patents are more likely to cite older, more cited, and similar patents -- for which employing the RC model yields interesting insights.
翻译:网络形成研究在经济学、社会学和许多其他领域十分普遍。 在本文中,我们将网络形成模型作为网络形成的一个“选择”模型,由网络中的节点制作,与其他节点连接。我们使用离散的选择性模型研究这些“选择”模型,其中代理商选择两种或两种以上离散的替代品。我们使用“重复选择”模型(RC)模型来研究网络形成。我们争辩说,RC模型克服了多名logit(MNL)模型的重要局限性,该模型为研究网络形成提供了一个框架,并且非常适合研究网络形成。我们还说明了如何使用RC模型,利用合成网络和现实世界网络来准确研究网络形成。我们使用边缘独立的合成网络,我们还比较了MNL模型和RC模型的性能。我们发现,RC模型比ML模型更准确地估计了我们合成网络的数据生成过程。在一个专利引用网络中,我们按顺序提出了一个研究框架,我们提出了一个案例研究,以精确地研究网络形成网络形成网络形成网络,并且非常适合研究网络形成网络形成。我们还演示了如何使用RC模型来精确地研究网络形成网络形成网络形成网络的网络的网络。我们所引用的先进、更令人感兴趣的模型。