Neutral atoms are a promising choice for scalable quantum computing architectures. Features such as long distance interactions and native multiqubit gates offer reductions in communication costs and operation count. However, the trapped atoms used as qubits can be lost over the course of computation and due to adverse environmental factors. The value of a lost computation qubit cannot be recovered and requires the reloading of the array and rerunning of the computation, greatly increasing the number of runs of a circuit. Software mitigation strategies exist but exhaust the original mapped locations of the circuit slowly and create more spread out clusters of qubits across the architecture decreasing the probability of success. We increase flexibility by developing strategies that find all reachable qubits, rather only adjacent hardware qubits. Second, we divide the architecture into separate sections, and run the circuit in each section, free of lost atoms. Provided the architecture is large enough, this resets the circuit without having to reload the entire architecture. This increases the number of effective shots before reloading by a factor of two for a circuit that utilizes 30% of the architecture. We also explore using these sections to parallelize execution of circuits, reducing the overall runtime by a total 50% for 30 qubit circuit. These techniques contribute to a dynamic new set of strategies to combat the detrimental effects of lost computational space.
翻译:中性原子是可缩放的量子计算结构的一个很有希望的选择。 长距离互动和本地多位数门等特性可以降低通信成本和运行计数。 但是, 被困的原子在计算过程中可能会丢失, 并由于不利的环境因素。 丢失的计算 Qubit 的价值无法回收, 需要重新装入数组和重新运行计算, 从而大大增加电路运行的数量。 软件减缓战略存在, 但它会缓慢地耗尽电路最初绘制的位置, 并且在整个结构中制造更多分散的qubit 组合来降低成功的可能性。 我们通过开发找到所有可达的qubit 的策略来增加灵活性, 而不是仅仅在相邻的硬件qubit 。 其次, 我们将这个架构分割成单独的部分, 运行每个部分的电路圈, 没有损失的原子。 只要这个电路圈足够大, 电路段不必重新加载整个结构。 这样可以增加有效投射次数, 然后再用两个系数再加载到两个电路段, 来利用总结构的30% 。 我们还探索这些50 的电路路段, 使整个空间电路段的电路路路段 逐渐减少。