News sources undergo the process of selecting newsworthy information when covering a certain topic. The process inevitably exhibits selection biases, i.e. news sources' typical patterns of choosing what information to include in news coverage, due to their agenda differences. To understand the magnitude and implications of selection biases, one must first discover (1) on what topics do sources typically have diverging definitions of "newsworthy" information, and (2) do the content selection patterns correlate with certain attributes of the news sources, e.g. ideological leaning, etc. The goal of the paper is to investigate and discuss the challenges of building scalable NLP systems for discovering patterns of media selection biases directly from news content in massive-scale news corpora, without relying on labeled data. To facilitate research in this domain, we propose and study a conceptual framework, where we compare how sources typically mention certain controversial entities, and use such as indicators for the sources' content selection preferences. We empirically show the capabilities of the framework through a case study on NELA-2020, a corpus of 1.8M news articles in English from 519 news sources worldwide. We demonstrate an unsupervised representation learning method to capture the selection preferences for how sources typically mention controversial entities. Our experiments show that that distributional divergence of such representations, when studied collectively across entities and news sources, serve as good indicators for an individual source's ideological leaning. We hope our findings will provide insights for future research on media selection biases.