Modeling of turbulent combustion system requires modeling the underlying chemistry and the turbulent flow. Solving both systems simultaneously is computationally prohibitive. Instead, given the difference in scales at which the two sub-systems evolve, the two sub-systems are typically (re)solved separately. Popular approaches such as the Flamelet Generated Manifolds (FGM) use a two-step strategy where the governing reaction kinetics are pre-computed and mapped to a low-dimensional manifold, characterized by a few reaction progress variables (model reduction) and the manifold is then ``looked-up'' during the runtime to estimate the high-dimensional system state by the flow system. While existing works have focused on these two steps independently, in this work we show that joint learning of the progress variables and the look--up model, can yield more accurate results. We build on the base formulation and implementation ChemTab to include the dynamically generated Themochemical State Variables (Lower Dimensional Dynamic Source Terms). We discuss the challenges in the implementation of this deep neural network architecture and experimentally demonstrate it's superior performance.
翻译:动荡燃烧系统的建模要求建模基本化学和动荡流。 同时解决这两个系统是无法在计算上做到的。 相反, 鉴于两个子系统演变的尺度不同, 这两个子系统通常是( 重新) 分别解决的。 流行的方法, 如Flamlet 生成的Manfolds (FGM) 使用一个两步战略, 即调节反应动因学是预先计算出来的, 并映射到一个低维的方形, 其特点是一些反应进展变数( 模型减少), 然后在运行期间“ 外观” 来估计流动系统的高维系统状态。 虽然现有的工程以这两个步骤为主, 我们在这项工作中显示, 联合学习进步变数和外观模型可以产生更准确的结果。 我们以基构和实施 ChemTab 为基础, 将动态生成的化学变数( 低维度源术语) 包括动态生成的化学变数( 低维度参数 ) 。 我们讨论这一深神经网络结构实施过程中的挑战, 并实验性地展示其优异性表现 。