Persistent Betti numbers are a major tool in persistent homology, a subfield of topological data analysis. Many tools in persistent homology rely on the properties of persistent Betti numbers considered as a two-dimensional stochastic process $ (r,s) \mapsto n^{-1/2} (\beta^{r,s}_q ( \mathcal{K}(n^{1/d} \mathcal{X}_n))-\mathbb{E}[\beta^{r,s}_q ( \mathcal{K}( n^{1/d} \mathcal{X}_n))])$. So far, pointwise limit theorems have been established in different settings. In particular, the pointwise asymptotic normality of (persistent) Betti numbers has been established for stationary Poisson processes and binomial processes with constant intensity function in the so-called critical (or thermodynamic) regime, see Yogeshwaran et al. [2017] and Hiraoka et al. [2018]. In this contribution, we derive a strong stabilization property (in the spirit of Penrose and Yukich [2001] of persistent Betti numbers and generalize the existing results on the asymptotic normality to the multivariate case and to a broader class of underlying Poisson and binomial processes. Most importantly, we show that the multivariate asymptotic normality holds for all pairs $(r,s)$, $0\le r\le s<\infty$, and that it is not affected by percolation effects in the underlying random geometric graph.
翻译:持久性贝蒂数字是持久性同族学中的一个主要工具, 是一个表层数据分析的子领域。 许多常态同族学工具依赖于常态贝蒂数字的属性。 至今为止, 在不同的环境里已经建立了点性限制符号。 特别是, 固定式Poisson进程和在所谓的关键( 或热力) 系统中具有恒定强度功能的二进制( 或热力) 进程和二进制进程, 见 Yogeshwaran 和 Al. [ 2017] 和 Hiraoka 和 al. [ 2018] 。 最远的点性能限制符号在不同的环境里已经建立。 最明显的( 常态) 贝蒂数字的偏向性常态常态常态常态常态正常值( 常态) 。 最常态的硬性硬性硬性地表示, 最常态的硬性硬性硬性地表现在2001年年的基底基质和基质的硬性硬性地( ) 。</s>