We present several new complexity results for the algorithms that approximately solve the optimal transport (OT) problem between two discrete probability measures with at most $n$ atoms. First, we improve the complexity bound of a greedy variant of the Sinkhorn algorithm, known as \textit{Greenkhorn} algorithm, from $\widetilde{O}(n^2\varepsilon^{-3})$ to $\widetilde{O}(n^2\varepsilon^{-2})$. Notably, this matches the best known complexity bound of the Sinkhorn algorithm and sheds the light to superior practical performance of the Greenkhorn algorithm. Second, we generalize an adaptive primal-dual accelerated gradient descent (APDAGD) algorithm~\citep{Dvurechensky-2018-Computational} with mirror mapping $\phi$ and prove that the resulting APDAMD algorithm achieves the complexity bound of $\widetilde{O}(n^2\sqrt{\delta}\varepsilon^{-1})$ where $\delta>0$ refers to the regularity of $\phi$. We demonstrate that the complexity bound of $\widetilde{O}(\min\{n^{9/4}\varepsilon^{-1}, n^2\varepsilon^{-2}\})$ is invalid for the APDAGD algorithm and establish a new complexity bound of $\widetilde{O}(n^{5/2}\varepsilon^{-1})$. Moreover, we propose a \textit{deterministic} accelerated Sinkhorn algorithm and prove that it achieves the complexity bound of $\widetilde{O}(n^{7/3}\varepsilon^{-4/3})$ by incorporating an estimate sequence. Therefore, the accelerated Sinkhorn algorithm outperforms the Sinkhorn and Greenkhorn algorithms in terms of $1/\varepsilon$ and the APDAGD and accelerated alternating minimization~\citep{Guminov-2021-Combination} algorithms in terms of $n$. Finally, we conduct experiments on synthetic data and real images with the proposed algorithms in the paper and demonstrate their efficiency via numerical results.
翻译:我们为大约解决最优化运输( OT) 复杂性的算法提供了一些新的复杂结果。 值得注意的是, 这符合两个已知的复杂程度, 以最多美元原子计 。 首先, 我们改进了Sinkhorn 算法的贪婪变体的复杂性, 称为\ textit{ Greenkhorn 算法, 从 $@ (n2\ varepsilon}-3} 美元到 美元全方位计算 { (n2\\ varepsilón}-2} 美元。 值得注意的是, 这符合Sinkhorn算法中最已知的复杂程度, 并让Greenkkhorn 算算算法的优实际性能。 其次, 我们把一个适应性初度加速梯度的梯度下降(APDAGD) 算法 $2\\ dipreatration=national disalational $\\\\ dirvaral dealisalations a liental =nal =n=xilations a =n =xilations =xn =xxxxxxxxxx =xx =xxxxxxxxxxxxxx =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx