This paper examines the approach taken by team gitastrophe in the CG:SHOP 2021 challenge. The challenge was to find a sequence of simultaneous moves of square robots between two given configurations that minimized either total distance travelled or makespan (total time). Our winning approach has two main components: an initialization phase that finds a good initial solution, and a $k$-opt local search phase which optimizes this solution. This led to a first place finish in the distance category and a third place finish in the makespan category.
翻译:本文审视了CG:SHOP 2021 挑战中球队基塔斯福特团队采取的方法。 挑战在于在两个给定的配置之间找到一组平方机器人同时移动的顺序, 以最小化旅行总距离或移动总时间( 全部时间 ) 。 我们的获胜方法有两个主要部分: 初始阶段, 找到良好的初始解决方案, 以及 $k$- opt 本地搜索阶段, 优化这一解决方案 。 这导致在距离类别中首次完成, 在 makespan 类别中第三次完成 。