In machine learning, the notion of multi-armed bandits refers to a class of online learning problems, in which an agent is supposed to simultaneously explore and exploit a given set of choice alternatives in the course of a sequential decision process. In the standard setting, the agent learns from stochastic feedback in the form of real-valued rewards. In many applications, however, numerical reward signals are not readily available -- instead, only weaker information is provided, in particular relative preferences in the form of qualitative comparisons between pairs of alternatives. This observation has motivated the study of variants of the multi-armed bandit problem, in which more general representations are used both for the type of feedback to learn from and the target of prediction. The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of the state of the art in this field, referred to as preference-based multi-armed bandits or dueling bandits. To this end, we provide an overview of problems that have been considered in the literature as well as methods for tackling them. Our taxonomy is mainly based on the assumptions made by these methods about the data-generating process and, related to this, the properties of the preference-based feedback.
翻译:在机器学习中,多武装匪徒的概念是指一组在线学习问题,其中代理人应在顺序决策过程中同时探索和利用一套特定选择的替代方法;在标准制定中,代理人从实际价值奖励形式的随机反馈中学习;然而,在许多应用中,数字奖励信号不是现成的 -- -- 相反,只提供了较弱的信息,特别是以对两种替代方法进行定性比较的形式提供的相对偏好;这一观察促使对多种武装匪徒问题的变式进行研究,在多武装匪徒问题的变式中,使用更笼统的表述,既用于从中学习的反馈类型,也用于预测目标;本文件的目的是对该领域的艺术状况进行调查,称为基于优惠的多武装匪徒或决断的匪。为此,我们概述了文献中考虑过的问题以及解决这些问题的方法。我们的分类主要基于这些方法对数据产生过程的假设,以及与此相关的基于优惠的反馈的性质。