In high-dimensional Bayesian statistics, several methods have been developed, including many prior distributions that lead to the sparsity of estimated parameters. However, such priors have limitations in handling the spectral eigenvector structure of data, and as a result, they are ill-suited for analyzing over-parameterized models (high-dimensional linear models that do not assume sparsity) that have been developed in recent years. This paper introduces a Bayesian approach that uses a prior dependent on the eigenvectors of data covariance matrices, but does not induce the sparsity of parameters. We also provide contraction rates of derived posterior distributions and develop a truncated Gaussian approximation of the posterior distribution. The former demonstrates the efficiency of posterior estimation, while the latter enables quantification of parameter uncertainty using a Bernstein-von Mises-type approach. These results indicate that any Bayesian method that can handle the spectrum of data and estimate non-sparse high dimensions would be possible.