We present the FinCausal 2020 Shared Task on Causality Detection in Financial Documents and the associated FinCausal dataset, and discuss the participating systems and results. Two sub-tasks are proposed: a binary classification task (Task 1) and a relation extraction task (Task 2). A total of 16 teams submitted runs across the two Tasks and 13 of them contributed with a system description paper. This workshop is associated to the Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation (FNP-FNS 2020), held at The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'2020), Barcelona, Spain on September 12, 2020.
翻译:我们介绍了FinCausal 2020共同的《在财务文件中发现因果关系的任务》及相关的《FinCausal数据集》,并讨论了参与系统和结果,提出了两个次级任务:二元分类任务(任务1)和相关的提取任务(任务2),共有16个小组提交,涉及两个任务,其中13个小组提供了系统说明文件,该讲习班与2020年9月12日在西班牙巴塞罗那第28次计算语言国际会议(2020年8月20日)举行的金融说明处理和多种计算金融汇总联合讲习班(2020年FNP-FNS)有关。