Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) is capable of learning control policies for high-dimensional, complex robotic tasks, but tends to be data-inefficient. Model-based RL tends to be more data-efficient but often suffers from learning a high-dimensional model that is good enough for policy improvement. This limits its use to learning simple models for restrictive domains. Optimal control generates solutions without collecting any data, assuming an accurate model of the system and environment is known, which is often true in many control theory applications. However, optimal control cannot be scaled to problems with a high-dimensional state space. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to alleviate data inefficiency of model-free RL in high-dimensional problems by warm-starting the learning process using a lower-dimensional model-based solution. Particularly, we initialize a baseline function for the high-dimensional RL problem via supervision from a lower-dimensional value function, which can be obtained by solving a lower-dimensional problem with a known, approximate model using "classical" techniques such as value iteration or optimal control. Therefore, our approach implicitly exploits the model priors from simplified problem space to facilitate the policy learning in high-dimensional RL tasks. We demonstrate our approach on two representative robotic learning tasks and observe significant improvement in policy performance and learning efficiency. We also evaluate our method empirically with a third task.