Nonlinear models are known to provide excellent performance in real-world applications that often operate in non-ideal conditions. However, such applications often require online processing to be performed with limited computational resources. In this paper, we propose a new efficient nonlinear model for online applications. The proposed algorithm is based on the linear-in-the-parameters (LIP) nonlinear filters and their implementation as functional link adaptive filters (FLAFs). We focus here on a new effective and efficient approach for FLAFs based on frequency-domain adaptive filters. We introduce the class of frequency-domain functional link adaptive filters (FD-FLAFs) and propose a partitioned block approach for their implementation. We also investigate on the functional link expansions that provide the most significant benefits operating with limited resources in the frequency-domain. We present and compare FD-FLAFs with different expansions to identify the LIP nonlinear filters showing the best tradeoff between performance and computational complexity. Experimental results prove that the frequency domain LIP nonlinear filters can be considered as an efficient and effective solution for online applications, like the nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation.
翻译:已知的非线性模型在通常非理想条件下运作的现实世界应用中提供极佳的性能;然而,此类应用往往需要以有限的计算资源进行在线处理;在本文件中,我们提议了一种新的高效的非线性在线应用模式;提议的算法以线性参数非线性过滤器为基础,并将其作为功能性连接适应过滤器(FLAFs)加以实施;我们在此侧重于基于频率-域性适应过滤器的FLAF新有效和高效方法;我们引入了频率-域性功能链接适应过滤器(FD-FLAFs)的类别,并提出了用于实施这些过滤器的分隔区办法;我们还调查了功能性链接的扩展,这些功能性链接在频率-域内以有限的资源运作,提供了最重要的好处;我们提出并比较了FD-FAFAFAFF, 及其不同的扩展,以确定显示性能和计算复杂度之间最佳权衡的LIP非线性过滤器;实验结果证明,频域非线性能域域非线性过滤器可以被视为在线反射线性反应器等非声学性反射波。