In the Non-Uniform $k$-Center problem, a generalization of the famous $k$-center clustering problem, we want to cover the given set of points in a metric space by finding a placement of balls with specified radii. In $t$-NU$k$C Problem, we assume that the number of distinct radii is equal to $t$, and we are allowed to use $k_i$ balls of radius $r_i$, for $1 \le i \le t$. This problem was introduced by Chakrabarty et al. [ACM Trans. Alg. 16(4):46:1-46:19], who showed that a constant approximation for $t$-NU$k$C is not possible if $t$ is unbounded. On the other hand, they gave a bicriteria approximation that violates the number of allowed balls as well as the given radii by a constant factor. They also conjectured that a constant approximation for $t$-NU$k$C should be possible if $t$ is a fixed constant. Since then, there has been steady progress towards resolving this conjecture -- currently, a constant approximation for $3$-NU$k$C is known via the results of Chakrabarty and Negahbani [IPCO 2021], and Jia et al. [To appear in SOSA 2022]. We push the horizon by giving an $O(1)$-approximation for the Non-Uniform $k$-Center for $4$ distinct types of radii. Our result is obtained via a novel combination of tools and techniques from the $k$-center literature, which also demonstrates that the different generalizations of $k$-center involving non-uniform radii, and multiple coverage constraints (i.e., colorful $k$-center), are closely interlinked with each other. We hope that our ideas will contribute towards a deeper understanding of the $t$-NU$k$C problem, eventually bringing us closer to the resolution of the CGK conjecture.
翻译:在非美元-美元美元- center 问题中,一个著名的美元- center Group 问题被普遍化,我们想要通过找到一个用指定的 radi 放置球的球体来覆盖在一个计量空间中的一组点。在美元- NU美元- k美元C 问题中,我们假设不同的radi 数量等于美元,我们被允许使用美元半径美元-美元,1美元- le i 美元- t美元。 Chakrabarty 和al.[ACM Trans. Alg. 16(4):46:1-46:19] 这个问题是由Chakbar 美元- central Global Group y moup y probleum $- cloupal $- cloupreal- discouple $- dol- cal- crow legal- droupal- discoal- disal- dism lex the legal- ral- dismal- ral- disal- disal- le- disal- disal- le- disal- le- dism the the the ral- ral- ral-ral- ral- lemental- dislation- le- le- le- slational- slational- le- le- slational- le- slation- le- slation-lation) 和Slational- slation- slation- 和 和 和Slation- slation- slation- slation- le- 和- 和 和 r- ral-xxxxxxxx 美元- sl- 和 和Slation-lation-c-cxxal-lational-c-cal-c-l-c-l-cx 美元-l-l-cx-l-c-lation-cx-lation-lation-l-l-lation-cx 美元-cx 美元-l 美元-cx 美元-