Artificial Intelligence models are increasingly used in manufacturing to inform decision-making. Responsible decision-making requires accurate forecasts and an understanding of the models' behavior. Furthermore, the insights into models' rationale can be enriched with domain knowledge. This research builds explanations considering feature rankings for a particular forecast, enriching them with media news entries, datasets' metadata, and entries from the Google Knowledge Graph. We compare two approaches (embeddings-based and semantic-based) on a real-world use case regarding demand forecasting.
翻译:负责任的决策需要准确的预测和对模型行为的理解。 此外,对模型原理的洞察力可以用领域知识来丰富。 这项研究通过媒体新闻条目、数据集元数据和谷歌知识图的条目来丰富对特定预测的特征排序。 我们比较了两种(基于组合的和基于语义的)关于需求预测的现实世界使用案例的方法。